Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One Hundred Posts: Where oh where have I been?

 I graduated. I'm a PRACTICAL Nurse. Hopefully, if all ''studying'' (that review book looks so shiny. I don't want to ruin it.) goes well, I'll be LICENSED by the end of July. 

Yes, I'll go on with my education. But I'm more like the tortoise in the race with the hare. I go slow. Also, I run slow. Very befitting of me. 

Neat cap, huh? Yea. 
My sister made this bad ash cake. I mean, really. Look!

Brett did some mulch spreadin' after I saw a tarantula hustling toward me. (This was before graduation. Irrelevant.)

Our mudroom is much further along than this...but here's a progress photo. 

Anywho, just wanted to say a quick hello. Is anyone still around? Or am I hollering in an empty blogger room? I feel like blogging has become crazy crazy popular within the past few months...I'm going to need to try and figure out how to make my corner a bit more interesting than before. If you are reading, and there's anything you'd like to read/see/look at- let me know!

-the almost nurse
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